School Culture
Dear Parents and Visitors to our Website,
Firstly I would like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors to our School Website. I hope that from the information you read here you are able to develop an understanding of our ethos, values, curriculum and provision we have in place at Grimsdyke on a day-to-day basis.
Our ethos at Grimsdyke School is “Learning and Achieving Together” which is underpinned by a strong belief in the UNCRC Rights of a Child. This means that we place the child at the centre of not only the things that we do but also in all the decisions that we make. This allows us to develop our students into considerate and valued members of the community.
Throughout the school we foster a safe cohesive calm, caring environment where students feel valued and are challenged through a broad and balanced curriculum. We foster “growth mindset” at all phases across the school to develop students who are resilient when faced with a challenge and are risk-takers in their learning. As a staff of excellent practitioners we are committed to ensure this happens on a day-to-day basis because we believe that they are key elements of lifelong learning.
“What can I learn from this, what I can I do differently next time?”
Carol Dweck
In order for students to achieve and develop holistically they are encouraged to learn in a variety of different ways as individuals and as groups. At Grimsdyke, we endeavour to involve students in their own learning by setting goals, reflecting, taking opportunities to lead with their peers or class and developing a positive mindset where mistakes and challenge become a key part to their development and progress. These opportunities develop a well-rounded learner that is able to adapt to a wide range of situations thus making the best of all learning experiences now and in the future.
I am often asked what am I most proud of at Grimsdyke School. The question itself is very difficult to fully answer as there are so many things that I am proud of. But one of the things I come back to on a regular basis is the students. I do this for lots of different reasons and because there are lots of contributing factors that make our students what they are. It would be fair to say that they are an excellent representation of who we are as a school. They are wonderfully behaved, engaging, confident and always responsive to the support or challenge that they receive in their learning. All of these elements allow them to maintain the high standards that are set, both by them and by others.
If you have any further questions regarding the website or the school in general then please contact us, or do please visit us and see what a wonderful school Grimsdyke is with all the opportunities we offer the students.
Mr Iain Sutherland